Project history
Kerstin Becker and Thomas Peter (CEO and associate of the Semper Fides Diamonds GmbH) met in August 2005. On a tournament in Brelingen on September, 1st 2006, Thomas Peter introduced Kerstin Becker to the Semper Fides Diamonds GmbH. During the conversation, the idea of a “Charity-Diamond” in aid of the Organisation “Deutsche KinderKrebshilfe” was born. The idea had its seeds in the death of Kerstin Becker`s 30-year old sister-in-law who died from cancer and her legacy:
the quadruped “Zampl”. Kerstin Becker tried to pick up the positive energy from her sister-in-law and do something “good” to support people fighting against cancer. Kerstin Becker and Thomas Peter, who was confronted with cancer very early in his life as he lost his mother to this disease, agreed immediately. We will do something!
That’s when the “Satchmo-Diamond” arose.
Satchmo and Goldfever

The “Satchmo-Diamond” brought in 14.000 Euro for the Organisation “Deutsche KinderKrebshilfe”.
It was a great success in consideration of the unknown topic and the short period of realization. The charity event with “Goldfever” and Ludger Beerbaum was continued in 2007: Ms. Christine Stibi purchased the “Goldfever-Diamond” by auction for 27.000 Euro. This auction generated in total proceeds of 35.000 Euro!
35.000 Euro, many informative talks about cancer and above all, the shining eyes of the children. It was a great contribution for the fight against cancer. Over and above we are very glad that the “Goldfever-Diamond” started its journey in the meantime. Ms. Christine Stibi continued the auction and started a several years lasting benefit performance. For more information please see at: www.christine-stibi.de
What is the Shutterfly-Diamond?
All good things come in threes! The auction of the “Shutterfly-Diamond” completes the charity action.
Meredith and Shutterfly, the family Becker and the Semper Fides Diamonds GmbH made it their goal to collect a total sum of 100.000 Euro for the Organisation “Deutsche Krebshilfe”. The “Shutterfly Diamond” is a very special diamond: a bluish white diamond (1.3ct as rough diamond, 0.51ct as brilliant) from the coat of “Shutterfly”. In this form and size it is unique and not purchasable.
“I had already had big goals when I was a child and I have been working for them ever since.
Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum
If I stand up for something, it will always be from the bottom of my heart. Nobody wants to come down with this disease, but only consistent education, regular checkups and early diagnosis as well as further improvement of diagnostics and therapeutic treatment we will make it against cancer. I hope that my commitment for the German Cancer Charity will help to achieve this goal!”
Thank you a lot!
A big thank you to all those who made the auction possible and supported it:
En Garde Marketing GmbH, www.engarde.de
Anne-Katrin Hoffmann, www.auktiondeluxe.de
InRide – die schönen Seiten des Reitsports! www.inRide.de
The hosts:
Munich Indoors in München, Partner Pferd in Leipzig, Löwen Classics in Braunschweig, Derby in Hamburg and German Masters in Stuttgart
A very special thanks to the family Winter-Schulze and to all helping hands not mentioned individually.
Auction of riding lessons with Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum and Markus Beerbaum for the benefit of the Organisation “Deutsche Krebshilfe”
The following events and actions are planned for 2008 and 2009:
All current data will be published here!
Stop the cervical carcinoma!
Many cancer diseases are nowadays curable, if they are diagnosted early, including the cervical carcinoma: All women in Germany being legally covered by insurance have from their age of 20 years the right of an annual early diagnosis examination at a gynaecologist. Since spring 2007 there is in addition a vaccination available that can protect against cervical carcinoma: the HPV-vaccination.
About 80% of all cervical carcinoma result from an infection with human papilloma virus (HPV). These viruses are transmitted during sexual intercourse and nearly every sexually active human being will at least once in his life be infected with HPV.
Mostly this infection does not cause of tissue, which can in the end degenerate malignantly.
A vaccination protects against the spreading of the HPV-infection and can therfore prevent most of cervical carcinoma cases.
The regular attendance of early diagnosis examinations is also important for following tumour diseases. breast cancer, skin cancer, bowel cancer and prostate cancer. The legally health insurances offer women from the age of 20 years and men from the age of 45 years free examination. So far only every second woman and only every man take this chance. Take your chance and protect yourself in time!
Information to the auction
Please, use the following bidder form: Bieterformular Shutterfly-Diamant
Start of the auction: Saturday, 06.12.2008 at 19.30 at the Munich Indoors.
The auction is expected to end in Stuttgart at the German Masters in 2009.
We plan to hand over the “Shutterfly-Diamond” by Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum at the Munich Indoors 2009.
“When I was asked to join this project I was absolutely thrilled. Only few hair of Shutterfly was needed to form something very special which will last for eternity. Every cent, any donation will help us in the fight against cancer. Take a few moments to learn about our project and place a bid! You will do something good and receive something absolutely unique. At this stage, Petey and I say thank you!”
Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum
Result of the auction
We say thank you! The final bid from: Madeleine Winter-Schulze with 25.000,- Euro! At the Munich Indoors 2009 Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum handed the “Shutterfly-Diamond” over to Mrs. Madeleine Winter-Schulze. Hardly she held the diamond in her hand she turned to Meredith again – with the words:
“Things which belong together, should be together forever!”
Madeleine Winter-Schulze
As a present Mrs. Winter-Schulze gave the diamond back. An emotional moment and a crowning conclusion of the whole charity-project! Total proceed of the project: 100.000,- Euro! It would give us great pleasure if there were more donations – more information about the donation account, etc. you will find under contacts and adresses!
Contact and adresses
Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V.
Buschstraße 32
53113 Bonn
Tel.: +49 (0)228 – 72 990-521
Ansprechpartner: Anke Frericks / Klaus Woyda
Familie Becker
Mellendorfer Kirchweg 31 a
30900 Wedemark
Ansprechpartner: Kerstin Becker
Semper Fides Diamonds GmbH
Zur Alten Mühle 43
38228 Salzgitter
Tel.: +49 (0)5341 – 22 391 22
Fax: +49 (0)5341 – 22 391 25
Ansprechpartner: Thomas Peter
Spendenkonto Deutsche Krebshilfe:
Konto-Nr.: 90 90 93
BLZ: 370 501 98
Sparkasse Köln-Bonn
Verwendungszweck: Shutterfly
Press release
Press release from 25.11.2008
Kickoff Shutterfly-Diamant
Press release from 12.01.2009
Partner Pferd 2009 – Nächste Station der Versteigerung
Press release from 25.09.2009 über den Tag der offenen Tür bei Meredith und Markus in Thedinghausen
Tag der offenen Tür am 25.09.2009