The “Satchmo-Diamond”
All for the Organisation “Deutsche KinderKrebshilfe”: Isabell Werth, Riders Tour and Semper Fides joined forces and did sell the “Satchmo-Diamond” by auction.
The “Satchmo-Diamond”, a diamond of 0,5 carat, was created from the elements of the coat of our double world champion. Combined with carbon and under the pressure of approx. 55’000 bar and at a temperature of approx. 1’500 °C, this wonderful, distinctive and nature-identical diamond grew at the Semper Fides Diamonds manufactory.
Why the “Satchmo-Diamond” for the Organisation “Deutsche KinderKrebshilfe”?
At the tournament at Brelingen (Wedemark) on 01.09.2006 Thomas Peter (Managing Director of Semper Fides Diamonds GmbH) presented Kerstin Becker the company “Semper Fides Diamonds GmbH”.
During the conversation the idea of a “Charity-Diamond” in favour of the Organisation “Deutsche KinderKrebshilfe” was born. The idea arose because Kerstin Becker’s 30 year old sister-in-law died of cancer and bequeathed her pet ‘Zampl’. Kerstin Becker wanted to take up the positive energy of her sister-in-law and do a good deed in order to support people in their fight against cancer.
Kerstin Becker and Thomas Peter immediately agreed: we will do something! What was more self-evident than “Satchmo”! Monday after the tournament Kerstin Becker got in touch with Mrs. Winter-Schulze agreed at one and talked to Isabell Werth. So it was brought into being: the “Satchmo-Diamond”!
From this moment on Isabell Werth gathered all hair of Satchmo and put her and Satchmo into service for a good thing.
Information on the auction
Please use the following form for your bid: Bidder form Satchmo-Diamant
Start of the auction: Thursday, 26.10.2006 at 00.00
Stand of the team at the German Classics in Hannover (26.10. – 29.10.2006)
Stand of the team at the Munich Indoors in Munich (30.11. – 03.12.2006)
End of the auction: Saturday, December 2, 2006 at 24.00 at the stand of Semper Fides Diamonds GmbH at the Munich Indoors – Booth 56
“I hope that the auction of the “Satchmo diamond” will bring as much as possible for the Organisation “Deutsche KinderKrebshilfe” and needy children. Also on behalf of “Satchmo” I wish everyone an exciting course and lots of fun in the bidding process. “
Isabell Werth
Many thanks to all!
Born on short notice, but nevertheless realized. A lot of thanks to all who made the auction possible and who supported us with their contribution: Family Winter-Schulze, Mrs. Isabell Werth, the Riders Tour, the German Classics, the Munich Indoors as well as mixedzone.
Result of the auction
14.000 Euro in favour of the Organisation “Deutsche KinderKrebshilfe”!
Status update: 01.12.2006, 11.44